all postcodes in SY7 / CHURCH STRETTON

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY7 8AA 0 52.453322 -2.936192
SY7 8AB 0 52.459388 -2.923884
SY7 8AD 0 52.458583 -2.93446
SY7 8AE 0 52.46665 -2.924169
SY7 8AF 0 52.468174 -2.936901
SY7 8AG 1 52.483017 -2.915485
SY7 8AH 0 52.488651 -2.918209
SY7 8AJ 0 52.482679 -2.925046
SY7 8AL 1 52.482513 -2.927152
SY7 8AN 0 52.481854 -2.944499
SY7 8AP 0 52.470606 -2.939002
SY7 8AQ 1 52.473878 -2.920728
SY7 8AR 1 52.46811 -2.953155
SY7 8AS 1 52.466873 -2.954924
SY7 8AT 0 52.468442 -2.9588
SY7 8AU 3 52.468713 -2.95751
SY7 8BN 0 52.467599 -2.95965
SY7 8AW 0 52.492111 -2.941169
SY7 8AX 0 52.458965 -2.961887
SY7 8AY 0 52.459018 -2.961333